Monday, April 25, 2011

Bustin Out

Hope everyone had a great weekend whether you celebrated Easter, Passover, or whatever!

I suppose being that this is a fashion blog I'm obligated to share my Easter attire (or maybe not, but you WILL look at it either way)

So here ya go, I wore;
a Brooks Brother's blouse, a Liz Claiborn skirt, and some Antonio Melani patent wedges.

I gotta say, when I went to mass that morning I noticed that not too many people take advantage of the opportunity celebrating our zombie Jesus presents for dressing up.
Any thoughts on that? Do you dress up the holidays still?

Granted, this outfit isn't really a stretch for something I'd wear to go grocery shopping in....

Ok now that we have that out of the way, I have got to spill on my latest clothing must-have, yet totally unwearable article! (I should also spend some time coming up with clever titles instead of these extremely descriptive ones)
Bustiers! They are completely unnecessary, can barely be deemed appropriate to wear anywhere, and I'm completely in love with them! I already have a few, but some new cropped ones have caught my attention in recent weeks.

Forever 21 Bustier. Channeling Selena

Zara top, with adorable fairy tale print

Gilly Hicks top with actual ribbing in it! Hardcore.

Look if I want to dress like a 90's pop singer then I will!
I don't care if people think I forgot to put a shirt on over my bra or that I just came from a tanning session. Just you wait, you'll see, This Shit Will Catch On! Even my blogging soulmate the Man Repeller has christened this trend a must.



I'm thinking if I wear high enough shorts it will conceal the fact that I've got on what is essentially the top half of a swimsuit. 

Finally here's some good music with a seasonally appropriate band name-- Summer Camp

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wolf Gang -- Gang Bang

Today's update isn't really going to have a carefully planned out theme as I usually try to aim for, I just had a bunch of random ideas I wanted to share with the world.

Ok so first off, I did a little shopping today despite having no income from not having a real job. BUUUUT I will never let that stop me!! I got these legit bloomers from American Apparel.

I think they will be perfect for wearing under my scandalously short dresses (which is basically every dress I own), so I don't flash innocent bystanders with the slightest breeze.

I also headed over to the Gap today and would you believe they are having a buy 1 top, get 1 FREE! Holy Hell, you know I was all over that like tweens on the Biebs.

Right away I snapped up these beauties. They both are really great quality that you just don't get from these pics, for instance the black and cream color shirt has mesh detailing around the collar.

And now for a perfect segue from clothes to music;

While I was in line paying for my new clothing conquests, the song "Lions in Cages" by Wolf Gang came on (and no I don't mean Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart the classic composer).

I'm so glad he is finally gathering steam because for a couple years now it has been almost impossible for me to get my hands on his music aside from the occasional free download courtesy of

Wolf Gang's music is so addictive, you gotta check him out, (especially now that one of his EP's is available on itunes) plus he's got this killer pea coat in his video.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mint Mania

I know, I know, it's been ages since I posted anything on this blog. Despite what this new British Sea Power song says, living is NOT easy. So I've been a bit preoccupied with the ups and downs of life...which doesn't leave a whole lot of time to scavenge the net for new fashion trends.

something I have noticed when getting dressed each day is my fascination with mint green, sea-foam green, teal, blue-green, or whatever you choose to call this color family.
It seems every single day I'm wearing SOMETHING of that sort, but hey at least I'm not wearing that puke yellow anymore right?? RIGHT?!

I really got into this pastel color scheme last summer in London, who knows they are probably so totally over it by now, but whatever, it's still going strong
here in the U.S. of A.

Example A: These awesome little shorts I just bought at Forever 21 and they even have zippers up the sides in case I don't find the length revealing enough!

I also purchased a tunic from Brooks Brothers and a sweet 3/4 length shirt with ruffled shoulders from the Gap.

 The dresses are from a couple of London shops as well as the polka-dot blouse with a heart shaped cut out in the back :)

And of course I had to include the Cath Kidston tote bag, you should definitely check their website out if you want to see an assortment of cuteness that could cause cardiac arrest.

I also included my favorite shade of nail polish "Office" from American Apparel as well as a nice teal shade from Sally, my travel size Sanrio hair brush, and of old, dirty, beat up, Sam Edelman gladiators.

Nothing says fabulous like frayed leather and ground in dirt stains.