Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gone Gaudy

In our current state of recession fashion has turned to extremes to help us escape feeling how crummy our lives really are.
Heels couldn't be higher and colors couldn't be brighter.

It seems it's all about being garish and over the top...and I'm loving it! (as my new favorite saying goes "I'm a pig in shit"--sorry for all the cussing mom)

Just check out TopShop's web page and you are instantly bombarded with glorious prime colors!
Glorious TopShop pop
 One example of the extravagance I've seen would have to be these Sam Edelman studded heels. Basically they've got an S&M  vibe (yes, yes colorful and kinky like the Rhianna video, but I'm also talkin the real world use of the term) going on and I'm drooling all over myself for them.

and the flat version for us tall people

I really could care less that these shoes put everyone around you at risk of receiving puncture wounds to their ankles, I MUST HAVE THEM.

My two homegirls Jessie J and Sleigh Bells totally understand the awesomeness of studded accessories.


  1. Love those shoes! Puncture wounds be damned, they are hot. I'm obsessed with Jessie J. I've decided she's my alter ego. hahaha.

  2. dude, those shoes are drool worthy haha! I love them!
